

Original price was: $99.90.Current price is: $89.00.

Cleansui flip top purifier pitcher where-ever you go Filtration performance :  Super High Grade Made in Japan Replacement cartridge: EJC1 (All Cleansui pitcher cartridges are inter-changeable)



Did you know?
BPA (banned in baby bottles) is found in plastic water bottles

A potentially lethal chemical called bisphenol A (BPA), which is banned in baby bottles, is found in plastic water bottles.
Worrying levels of BPA are leaching into the water in plastic bottles.
Participants’ levels of BPA increased by two thirds after drinking from a plastic bottle or a week.
BPA mimics the female hormone oestrogen, which may lead to severe health problems including reducing fertility among women who already have fertility problems.

(studies: Harvard School of Public Health/Goethe University in Frankfurt)

Filtration performance (super high grade)

Remove lead, carcinogens, bacteria (e-coli, serratia, salmonella, vibrio cholera, shigella); fungi, molds, algae, herbicides, pesticides, volatile organic chemicals; micro-organisms (cysts, cryptosporidium, gardia); tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, chloroform, trihalomethanes, benzene, anionic surfactant, phenols, geosmin, 1,2-DCE (known carcinogens), rust, metal particles, odours, chlorine etc.

Additional information

Replacement cost per litre

25 cents

Optimum filtration

200 litres

Flow Rate

0.1 litres per min

Lifespan estimated

100 days @ 2 litre per day (subject to source water quality, volume, temperature and pressure)