

Washoku DASHI purifier pitcher Filtration performance :  Super High Grade Made in Japan Washoku Pitcher created in collaboration with Specialist Connoisseurs/Kombu experts to present the best “Umami” (original taste) especially for dashi. Replacement cartridge: CPC5-D



JP407-D super high grade filtration for fresh instant purified water with minerals intact – enhance, accentuate the properties of kombu to harmonise flavours of dashi

BPA free, space saving and eco-friendly;

“washoku” is a culmination of centuries of the traditional art of cooking practices in Japan; designated a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Filtration performance (super high grade)

Remove lead, carcinogens, bacteria (e-coli, serratia, salmonella, vibrio cholera, shigella); fungi, molds, algae, herbicides, pesticides, volatile organic chemicals; micro-organisms (cysts, cryptosporidium, gardia); tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, chloroform, trihalomethanes, benzene, anionic surfactant, phenols, geosmin, 1,2-DCE (known carcinogens), rust, metal particles, odours, chlorine etc.

Additional information

Replacement cost per litre

70 cents

Optimum filtration

100 litres

Flow Rate

0.1 litres per min

Lifespan estimated

100 days @ 1 litre per day (subject to source water quality, volume, temperature and pressure)